Colourful Collar & Cuffs

Loom Used

50g Wendy Shimmer colour 1
50g Wendy shimmer colour 2
Approx 1m of 2 ply for knotting on each square
2 large buttons for the collar
Follow the Basic Wrapping and Knotting in the tutorial section.
Make 10 motifs using the ladder stitch technique to knot.
The collar takes 6 motifs, the cuffs 2 each.
For the collar: Slip stich the 6 motifs together in a line joining the knots to leave a frill on the right side at each join. Using the butterfly braid technique tidy the two short ends. On the right-side attach the two large buttons and loop through the opposite end to complete the circle to make the collar.
For the cuffs: Using the same slip stitch technique, join the two motifs together to create a tube which makes the cuff. Fru-fru out and pop over your jumper!
Note: I have quite slim hands, so if you need something larger add another motif; if this is too large insert a small piece of elastic inside using the knots as your anchor points.