REMEMBER – Don’t wrap the yarn too tightly. Just let the yarn glide through your fingers, making it easier when knotting to bring the needle up and under the squares
1. Tighten screws before you begin to loom, and each time you remove completed square.
2. Secure arm in place at back of Loom, and fasten end of yarn with a small piece of tape to the fastened arm at the back of Loom. Hold Loom with brass hinges facing you (we refer to this as the FRONT of the Loom). Bring you yarn forward to the top left hand corner to start. Diagram 1a
3. Begin by winding yarn across the front of the Loom, from notch 1 down to 2, behind the prong, and up through 3 to 4, behind and through to 5, down to 6, behind and up through 7 to 8. Diagram 1b.
4. With yarn at 8, turn ¼ turn Loom ¼ turn to the left and bring yarn from 8 behind to 9, and down to 10, behind and through 11, up to 12, behind and through 13 to 14, behind and through 15 up to 16. Diagram 1c
5. Continue winding in this manner turning Loom ¼ turn each time to the left until Loom has a loop between each notch on the back, the side facing away from you. (Diagram 1d)
6. This is then counted as Row 1. Keep winding until you have the desired thickness of your project, ending with yarn back at the beginning. Snip yarn 3” (7cms) from the back of the Loom, and bring both ends together to the front of Loom and tie a knot.
Diagram 1a
Diagram 1b
Diagram 1c
Diagram 1d
As you begin the knotting section of your project, the work facing you is the back of the square. You will make 2 knots at each intersection so that an “X” forms across the intersection on the front of the project..
REMEMBER - when you are knotting, before you pull the yarn all the way through ALWAYS LEAVE A LOOP and go through the loop with your needle, pulling the knot tight.
The Ladder Stitch
1. Thread needle with a long piece of yarn, and beginning at top left hand corner slip the needle under ALL layers of yarn. Pull the needle through, leaving the end of the yarn extending about 3 inches (7 cms). Tie both ends of yarn together, trimming off the short end. Diagram 2a
2. Insert needle diagonally under the knot you have just made, and ALL layers of yarn, pull needle through and leave a loop. Put needle back through loop and pull into a tight knot. You will have completed an ‘X’ on the work touching the Loom.
3. Move down to intersection number 2 and insert needle under ALL layers of yarn. Pull needle through leaving a loop, go back through loop with needle and pull into a tight knot.
4. Insert needle diagonally under the knot you have just made, and ALL layers of yarn, pull needle through and leave a loop, . Put needle back and pull into a tight knot.
5. Continue in this manner following the wrapping diagrams. Always keep the yarn moving across the TOP of the work facing you, with needle going under all yarn at intersections to form the X against the board.
6. When you reach number 16 secure yarn with a basic backstitch and cut off excess. Diagram 2b
7. To remove the finished square, release the arm at the back of the Loom, fold Loom in half like a Butterfly, and take off finished square
Diagram 2a
Diagram 2b
The X Stitch
This method is used if you want to make your project appear more woven and filled in
Use the basic instructions for knotting, and begin at number 1, knot each intersection following diagram 3a through to 16 .
THEN thread needle with a long piece of yarn and secure yarn into knot at knot 7. Move from knot 7 – 13 – 6 -2 –8 - 14 – – 16 – 12 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 9- 15 - 11 - 4 - 10, slipping needle through top of knots only, so that larger crosses form on the square facing you. When you get to number 10, secure yarn with a basic slipstitch and cut off excess yarn (Diagram 3b).
Diagram 3a
Diagram 3a
Try using contrasting colours and textures to make the knotting standout