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Introduction to the Butterfly Loom
Introduction to the Butterfly Loom
Basic wrapping & knotting techniques
Wrapping & knotting
Joining Squares pt 1
Joining Squares using Double Butterfly Twist
Part one
Joining Squares pt 2
Joining Squares using Double Butterfly Twist
Part two
Butterfly Loom Diamond Bag Piecing
Piecing Acorns & Diamonds Bag
Ending your work
Ending your work
Pom-pom tutorial
Pom-poms on the small Butterfly Loom
Daisy pattern on the Magic Butterfly Loom
Magic Butterfly Loom
Large daisy on the Magic Butterfly Loom
Large daisy on Magic Loom
Multiple daisies on the Magic Butterfly Loom
Magic Loom Daisies
Daisy pattern on the Large Butterfly Loom
LArge loom Daisy Pattern
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